All of them were playing with my NEW glasses . All of us took a (like we will take only 1) picture with the glasses and we used it as facebook profile picture.. So don't be curious when you see the same glasses appear in fb..
We meet there at 8pm but everyone was late and that the Malaysian style *being late* T_T .. Kai li was the only one that didn't go.. and she told me last minute.. Sue reached first, then Hl .. Yh was the last to reached.. We talked, talked, talked.... until it was 11pm and we were planning to go for durian but the thing is Ym(dear) doesnt like the smell of durian and we were sitting in her car, so we decieded to change a place.. They were just hoping to go to a place with different environment T_T .. And so, the final decision is ------ MY HOUSE!!!!
The 5 of us came to my house , driven by our driver-YEN MEI !!! They stayed at my room for about half an hour cause Sue, Ym and Hl have class the nxt morning.. We on9, play rubik cubes, gossip, camwhore.. That's lots of laughter and I never feel so happy before since I get into college.. I felt the happiness that I used to have in secondary.. And the feeling is AWESOME, GREAT, UNDESCRIBABLE ! And at 12+, they left with Ym fetching them home.. I upload the photos that we took and post it on facebook.. By the time I finish uploading, its already 1am+.. And thats the time for me to sleep.. Class at 10am on sat.. ><
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