Sorry I won't be uploading the rest of the bbq photos here. If you wana look at it, please look up my facebook. Free to add me up. Semester break was over and busy life is coming back soon, VERY SOON!
Today was the first class and its INTERIOR HISTORY. Gosh! First class was history and its kind of boring BUT I do like this lecturer more than the previous one. She was kind of "cute" in some way. The class should be 2 hours but it ended within half and hour. FAST! Then, Andy(sister), the Santa Claus of the day was giving out his souvenir from Taiwan. Those stuff(s) was so funny. There are "condoms", "pad" with strawberry, chocolate, and original flavor. I will post the pictures on some other time cause the pictures are with Cherie. We chit chat for a while and went to pyramid after that. On our way, we bump onto some TVB sales girls and they offered us some DVD's. Cherie, Nicole, & Rainie walked away since there was car passing by and left Andy & I there with them. They kept promoted the DVD and Cherie come over and said we don't understand English and they were "Sorry,sorry!" Funny man!
Yesterday, Monday, was public holiday and dad suddenly suggested to go to Fraser Hill on Saturday. So, we did. We started our journey at 7.30am and reached there around 2 hours later. The road there was terrible. Spinning here and there. My stomach was stirring the whole journey until I reached home, STILL stirring. The worse ever. It was kinda boring there but the weather was quite ok and the environment there was peace, that u can't find it in Subang. Anyway, due to PUASA, not much food were sold there. Finally, we found one resort that supply breakfast. And we had our English Breakfast. Enjoyed it! Then, round and round at the area cause there are nothing much there. Just enjoy the environment. The interior of the Smoke...resort was really nice - English style.

Around 2pm, we found another hotel I guess, that provide food and we went in there. But there's only us and the food was SooOOoo Expensive and totally not tasty AT ALL! Only by that time, dad asked us whether we wana go to Genting for buffet dinner. YESSS!!!! Absolutely a YES! So after the tea, we went to Genting and AGAIN, dizzy in the car. Terrible time. I kept asking dad to stop aside when there was a place to stop. I couldn't stand it anymore!
Btw, we reached Genting around 4pm. Then, dad asked for the buffet time. We walked around outside for "fresh air" and went for dinner at 5pm. We stayed there till 7pm. After dinner, mom & I went for shopping while dad & bro went for snooker. I joined them after shopping. After pool, bro & I went for archery. It was fun but heavy!After that, it was kinda late, around 9.30pm so we left. The whole day was so fun but tiring. I slept till 12 noon today. Luckily class was in the afternoon at 4pm.

Oh, one more good news! I passed all the subjects - 1A-, 2B+, 1B, 1C, 1 more no idea. So happy!!! Tomorrow going skating with classmates, even MORE happy!