Aahhhhhh.........!!!!!!!!! Ns camp list is out.. Min juz txt me n ask me to check which camp im going for ns.. I got Cenderiang camp at Tapah, Perak.. My aunt is staying sumwhr near thr so its quite lucky for me.. D camp thr should b near d waterfall and tat will b fun.. Waterfall everyday !!!! Min got Selangor . If sumone got d same camp as i did tell me pls ... !
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
More drawings
I juz finished d baby portrait a while ago & d guy portrait 2 days ago.. I saw d baby portrait in google n i felt it adorable so i tried to draw it since im going to draw another portrait for registration.. D drawing i did few days ago looks weird to me so i hav d thinking of drawing a new one and so i choose d baby portrait.. D guy portrait is juz somethg i did for fun but i juz post it up.

We went to our ex-skool ytd in d morning.. Yee Shien fetch me n ym to skool.. V took our skool magazine n v met a few teachers (Pn Heng, Pn Yek, Pn Ong, Pn hafdzah, Pn Hamimah) . V talk to dem for a while den v went to taipan Old town kopitiam for brunch.. At around 12pm, v went to yee shien hs . I brought dvd to his hs n v watched it together.. It was a horror movie but it doesn"t even scared us.. lolx.. At 3.30pm, d sky turns dark n ym wanted to go home.. i went home as well.. It was fun getting to c our ex-teachers .
Sunday, February 22, 2009
My Drawings
Y did i drew dis? Its bcuz I have to pass up 3 drawings wen i register for "the one academy" after i get my SPM results and i had finished all 3 (finally)..Dis pic is 1 of it..I juz done it 10 minutes ago.. Mom did helped me in d hair :p
Dis pic was found in my skool majalah ytd around 2am.. im in d mood by tat time so i"ll juz go get an A4 paper n a pencil and i juz drew d pic.. but of coz i enlarged it.. It was so small in d magazine..
Dis pic was also found in d skool magazine at d same time wif d pic on top.. But i changed d words on d paper (The 1 Academy) .. i finished both drawings at 3am.. Den i went to slp ..Zzz..Btw, im gonna pass up dis drawing as d 3rd drawing.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
At bout 12am, kai li"s dad reached and ym decided to go home already.. she doesn't want to go out alone to d car .. sue, hl, and cm waited for sue"s parents to cum over.. V talk while waiting for her parents.. After they left, i did my facial.. haha.. My skin is pealing off caused by sum medical gel..so i did my facial bcuz i hav 2 attend a relative"s wedding dinner by tml nite..and i doesn"t want my face to look dry ><
kai li din join us for d manicure.. ym, sue n i did d same colours.. V did 4 colours (green , pink ,purple , white) .. Its so colourful but d green looks weird on ym fingers bcuz her nails r too long ( v advised her 2 cut her nails shorter so tat it will looks better )..
cm taking d photo on my bed.. she was lying on my bed ..haha.. hl said she wants to take another photo bcuz dis photo makes her leg looks huge but v dun care bout her ( sorry lah hl ..haha )
cm n i were arranging d mahjongs.. cm doesn"t noe how 2 play so kai li sits beside her n teached her..she finally noes how 2 play mahjong.. (she even wins twice)
me n hl playing half way.. ym was using my phone to take d photo bcuz she doesn"t noe how 2 play.. she juz sits beside me n learned.. i think she gets a bit of d technique..??
V went sri melur at ss16..sue organized.. its so rare tat v went out togather (except yh - she was in ns).. v ordered sum food.. hl ordered tosai paper , sue ordered roti kosong while i ordered capatthi.. while v were eating , ym decided 2 order roti tisu n v agreed.. v ate n talk lots of stuff since v din meet each other for so long.. cm n kai li were afraid of cats n they screamed wen cats go near dem.. cm even ran away wen a cat walks by..haha.. v were all laughing.. d waiter tat stands behind us was laughing at her 2.. oh ya.. v saw mun ian thr wif his family..
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