Its been freaking long that I didn't update my blog.. sorry for that.. Im juz being too busy through college life - Tonnes of homeworks.. assignments.. NON-STOP..
From top left : sean, aaron, easy
From bottom left: Me, shirly
I wonder this happens to every college or only TOA students...??? Aww... I'm sorry for all TOA students *laugh*.. Actually its kind of fun doing assignments with a bunch of friends..We just need longer period for our handup day.. Its just too rush...
Btw, I still get hang out with them after classes ..most likely to Sunway pyramid.. the nearest place ever for now..We need less then 5 minutes to reach pyramid and we're like going there everyday.. We are getting frustrated with it now.. But no choice.. Its the only relaxing place for us after classes.. We need to relax OK?
Supposingly we are having our exploring week now..BUT..those lecturers are too hardworking ..or maybe they'll miss us if there's no classes on..? *laugh*
This thursday is my so call 'final presentation'.. what we need to do is present our modal to a man that will be invited by our lecturer-Miss Harlina.. And the total marks for this presentation is 100% : 30% from lecturer and 70% from the special guest ..XD I've done 50% of the modal but I faced a problem.. How can I stick the pvc on the modal and ended up with a curve ? Summore explanations of the modal is needed for presentation.. Do I have enough time for everything? I hope so *gasp*.. Research, homeworks, assignments are loading up and is freaking me out.. No wonder my friends told me that TOA students stay awake the whole night to finish up their homeworks.. Now I really get it.. I mean it ! And its only the beginning of the year.. No!no!no!.. It should be the beginning of the semester *gulp*
I don't want t say such rubbish here anymore.. Life are fragile..Faced it tough..!!! =)